The MIGHTY Power of Meditation

Chronic pain is described as any pain that lasts for a period of time greater than three months. Many patients with chronic pain have described feelings of helplessness, anxiety, sadness and/or depression. Many of you I'm sure could understand many of those feelings. Pain leads to emotional, physical, and financial loss. Many patients are aiming at adjunct treatments and therapies, in an effort to avoid opioids and other addictive medications. One of these adjuncts that has shown positive feedback is mindfulness meditation.

Meditation allows an individual to detach from the stressors and triggers in daily life. It is characterized by staying attune to the current moment with eagerness, honesty, and sincerity. Mindfulness meditation is thought to function by centering the mind on the present and increasing awareness of one’s outside surroundings and inner sensations, allowing the person to reevaluate situations and events. It allows the individual to connect the outside world to one's own self. Not only has mindfulness meditation show positive results in those with chronic pain and stress, but also in those with opioid addiction and those seeking to cut the cigarette dependence out (Hilton et al., 2016).

There are many websites and apps that offer meditation guidance and support. I personally utilize my yoga time to also get in my mindfulness meditation in, BUT if you prefer something a little more organized I have attached a list of resources to look into and find if one of them speaks to you." A healthy mind breeds a healthy body, and vise versa!" -Zig Ziglar

Meditation Apps:

Headspace, Calm, Aura, Smiling Mind, 10% Happier, Inscape, Insight Timer, Stop, Think and Breathe, Buddhify, Simple Habit, Sattva, Peloton
Hilton, Hempel, Ewing, Apaydin, Xenakis, Newberry, Colaiaco, Maher, Shanman, Sorbero, Maglione. (2016, September 22). Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Retrieved April 14, 2020, from

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